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Our Vegetables A - Z
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Aubergine • Beetroot • Broad beans • Broccoli • Broccoli Purple Sprouting•Carrots • Cavolo Nero • Celeriac • Celery • Chard • Chilli
Pepper • Courgette•Cucumber • Fennel • Fennel (shoots) • French beans • Garlic (Wet) • Garlic (Spring, bunched) • Kale • Kohl Rabi
Leek • Lettuce•Onions • Pea Greens • Peppers • Radicchio•Radish • Rhubarb • Rocket • Runner Beans • Seasonal Salad • Sorrel Spinach • Spring Greens•Spring Onions •Sprouts •Sprouts Tops • Summer Squash • Squash (Winter)• Sugar-snap Peas • Swede
Sweet Corn • Tomatoes •Turnips
Basil • Chive • Coriander • Dill • Landcress • Lemon Balm • Lovage • Mint • Parsley • Rosemary • Sage • Thyme
The pearl of the veg garden, these black beauties have a sweet, firm flesh, and are most at home on the grill, either as part of a vegetable skewer, or sliced and charred for a smokey burger topper. BBQ brilliance!
One of our most favourite crops, our bunched beetroot often provides a variety of colour, from the deep purple 'Jannis' variety, to the golden yellow globes or stripy 'Chioggia' roots. Best diced and roasted, then served as a side or mixed into a salad.
Check out our beetroot and fennel quiche recipe here!
Broad beans
One of the first flavours of summer, broad beans are a really welcome burst of fresh flavour. A gentle steam and a knob of butter and these beautiful beans will melt those winter blues away!
The nation's favourite vegetable, broccoli is endlessly versatile; boil it, steam it, bake it, fry it, grill it. Curries and stews are better for its addition. And don't forget, the chunky stem and green leaves are all edible too, so don't be putting them on your compost!
Broccoli Purple Sprouting
Purple-sprouting Broccoli is an older more traditional variety of brassica than it's more famous cousin, the 'Calabrese' broccoli. It is much better suited to our British winters, standing tall and sturdy against the winter winds to give us beautiful flower heads early in the year. After the main head is cut, we get lots of little side shoots with tender flavoursome stems.
Freshly harvested carrots are so dramatically different from mass-produced, long-stored conventional carrots. With their tops still bright and pungent, our bunched carrots are as fresh as you can get, and prove it with their exceptional flavour. Use the tops to make soups and sauces.
Cavolo Nero
Cavolo Nero is the elegant, Italian cousin of the kale family. It's slender dark leaves look inviting when chopped finely into a salad, or gently steamed.
Often over-looked, the celeriac's knobbly exterior doesn't do itself any favours. But it more than makes up for it with its rich delicious flesh. A perfect component of a roasted veg medley, or a great partner with the potato for a creamy mash.
Celery is a member of the carrot family, prized for its tender juicy stems. Our Celery is a bit different to the stuff you find in the shops, which more often than not is grown in artificially heated environments and pumped full of water. Our Celery is grown outside and organically which means it is a little more green and tough but is bursting with flavour and nutrients. Best used diced and fried with onions and carrots as a base to any meal.
Rainbow chard is one of our most popular crops. Available throughout the year, it serves many purposes; from baby leaves adding a splash of colour to a salad, to large midribs finely chopped and chucked into a winter stew. Give chard a go and you'll soon see you can throw it into mostly any meal.
Chilli Peppers
Chilli peppers are a must-have in the kitchen. Not just for the heat-lovers, a little chilli in any dish gives a depth of flavour that little else can supply. They can easily be dried for use throughout the winter.
The surefire sign of the summer, our courgettes burst out of the ground all summer at quite an alarming rate! Therefore we harvest them every single day, meaning you get the freshest, most flavoursome fruit available each day. A mix of colours will keep your dishes looking beautifully various as you find many different uses of these versatile vegetables.
Check out our courgette cake recipe here!
Popular with all the family, our cucumbers are delightfully refreshing and rejuvenating during the height of the summer. We often find ourselves snacking on one or two cucumbers a day when the sun is out! And they're never, never wrapped in plastic.
A relative of carrot and celery, fennel is a lovely addition to a vegetable stew or ragu. It has an elegant aroma and is also delicious roasted, retaining succulence and a great flavour.
Check out our beetroot and fennel quiche recipe here!
Fennel Shoots
At the end of the summer, when the main fennel bulb has been harvested, some shoots are growing back from the root left in the ground. These are a bit smaller but the taste is exactly the same!
Check out our beetroot and fennel quiche recipe here!
French beans
Taste the summer with our super-fresh French beans. Delicious either raw and chopped finely into a salad, or boiled and served as a side veg.
Garlic (Wet)
Wet Garlic is the very same good stuff as the dried garlic we're used to, expect picked before it dries! This means no peeling, and the bulb itself has a slightly more mild sweet flavour.
Garlic (Spring, Bunched)
Spring garlic is similar to spring onions, just a bit more garlicky! Best diced thinly and fried, much like mature garlic, to give an aromatic taste to any dish.
Once considered a niche 'super-food', kale has become a staple crop in our garden, providing us with fresh, nutrient-dense veg from mid-summer till early spring. Whether green, red, purple or black, the robust leaves of the kale plant are best chopped finely and chucked into stews or sauces, delivering an hearty hit of healthy wholesomeness.
Kohl Rabi
Kohl rabi are swollen stems of the cabbage family. Peel away the skin and inside you'll find a juicy flesh of subtle sweet cabbagey flavour. Kohl rabi is delicious raw, either grated into salads or sliced into sticks along side your celery and carrots for dipping.
Pungent and intense, organic leeks, like organic carrots and organic tomatoes, are world's apart from the likes offered by industrial agriculture. When harvested and delivered fresh, they retain such intense flavour that you'll be welcoming the start of autumn each year for their advent!
What is a good salad without a lettuce?! From tall red cos to flat green butterheads, to crunchy little-gems, we grow a wide range of lettuces, with varying colours, shapes and textures, to make the summery salad season as diverse as possible. Picked fresh each morning, our lettuces retain such great earthy flavour and sweetness, that you'll need nothing more than a light dressing to put together a delicious salad.
Onions are the foundation of almost all cooking recipes, giving a base richness onto which other flavours can blend. Large ones are best diced and fried, but small ones are also delicious roasted alongside a mix of other vegetables; drizzled with a little oil and topped with mixed herbs.
Pea Greens
Pea greens are the leafy tops of pea plants before they flower. This way we get the lovely sweet flavour of pea before they mature. Try chopping up as a salad, or whizzing up with fried onions and potatoes for an early green pea soup.
Sweet and crunchy, peppers are an ever-popular product of the greenhouse. From grilling to frying to roasting, (even simply snacking on!), peppers can be used in so many multiple ways. They don't last all that long in the British climate, so stock up on them while you can!
A bold and beautiful variety of chicory, radicchio is revered in Italian cuisine; simply sautee in a frying pan with oil and salt.
The humble radish is an important crop to the market-gardener; we can grow them during most seasons and, because they grow so fast, we can squeeze them in between different crops here and there. So therefore we squeeze them into most meals! Delicious thinly sliced and drizzled with lemon juice, these peppery rouge roots are also a joy for the eyes.
A seasonal favourite, rhubarb brings buckets of zing to summer desserts. Tart and punchy, it fits in well in savoury dishes too, holding it's own against other strong flavours such as fish or game.
One of our autumnal salad greens, rocket reeks of Italian sophistication - it pairs perfectly with balsamic vinegar, or can be piled high atop a pizza. Also great in cheese sandwiches.
Runner Beans
We plant our runners late to give us green beans til november. Full of sweet juice and really easy to use; peel off the very edges where any stringiness might have started to form, dice up and boil for just a couple of minutes.
Seasonal Salad
Available twelve months of the year, our salad bags vary as the seasons dictate. Throughout the summer, lettuce leaves rule supreme, adorned with edible flowers from the flower beds around the garden. Moving through to the winter, the spicy brassica leaves take over, including rocket, mizuna, and mustard leaf. The spring introduces delicate leaves such as peashoots and the first of the sorrel. Always varied, colourful, and fragrant, our salad bags are a must-have, no matter the season.
This perennial leaf has a wonderfully sour citrus flavour, which when wilted down makes a tasty sauce, well suited for fish dishes.
For most of the season, we grow what you might call 'cooking spinach'; a close relative to chard. The robust, rich green leaves are full of juicy flavour and best briefly wilted with a little butter and black pepper. Also well suited to being chopped finely and chucked into just about any sauce, soup, or stew.
Spring Greens
Spring greens are the first cabbagey offerings of the garden in March. They are wonderfully sweet and flavourful, and a welcome burst of freshness after the end of winter.
Spring Onions
Spring onions are one of our favourite crops to grow, so we couldn't just limit them to spring! Available from March through to the autumn, spring onions are the young, intense green leaves to the onion plant, harvested early while they're rich in sweet onion flavour. There are few things that can't be improved with a sprinkle of chopped spring onions on top.
What is Christmas without sprouts?! These little nuggets of delight are started off early in the year and tended carefully for many months, making them one of the most cared-for crops in the garden. Well, the flavour more than makes up for it come December. If any of your family think they don't like sprouts, then just wait till they've tried freshly-harvested organic sprouts.
Sprout tops
Sprout tops are - as the name suggests - the tops of Sprout stalks. They're kind of like giant sprouts; you can use them like cabbage or kale - finely dice for a stir-fry or wilt into stews or sauces.
Summer Squash
Summer squashes are a close relative of the courgette, and can be used in much the same way, though given their unique shape and eye-catching colour, they're best stuffed and roasted whole.
Squashes are a quintessential sight of harvest-time. We grow a handful of different varieties, selecting those with the sweetest flavour and creamiest texture. Not only are these a delectable part of your autumn cooking, but they can also serve as beautiful seasonal decorations around the house until you're ready to eat them!
Sugar-snap Peas
It's hard to resist picking sugar-snap peas straight off the vines during a sunny summer's day; they're juicy crisp pods are such a refreshing snack! Back home in the kitchen, we just top-and-tail them and briefly steam, preserving their sublime sweetness.
An ever-reliable winter staple, swedes provide that heart-warming sweet nuttiness that a cold winter's meal depends on. Great alongside other roasted veg, or more traditionally mashed (with a good knob of butter!).
Sweet Corn
Freshly picked organic sweetcorn stands heads and shoulders above any poor imitation you might find in the supermarket. The tall majestic stalks soak up all the summer sun, converting it into sweet golden kernels which burst with summery sugars. But beware the fresh season is short, so make the most of them while you can!
Tomatoes - cherry
Tomatoes have become ubiquitous in modern-day cooking, and deservedly so. Their sweet and tangy flavour and appealing range of colours are well suited in almost any context; added to salads, roasted, fried, grilled, or chopped and sauted into sauces. But, as with all vegetables, tomatoes are best eated fresh and in season, which means you'll never taste a tomato quite as good as those available during the abundance of summer.
Tomatoes - beef
With their fleshy texture beef tomatoes are perfect to create a sauce or sliced thinly on a piece of toast.
Think of turnips as the little cousin of the swede. Picked younger and more trendy than their burly older cousins, turnips have a slightly more subtle flavour and are more versatile; they can be grated or sliced a bit like radishes, as well as roasted or boiled like swedes.
Basil, grown among the tomatoes and aubergines in the greenhouse, transports us to the Mediterranean with just one sniff. Basil is well-suited alongside its mediterranean friends in the kitchen too, either chopped and mixed into tomatoey pasta sauces or garnished fresh atop grilled aubergines.
Check our pesto recipe here!
Chives add a fresh zing to dishes early on in the spring, with their welcome oniony leaves appearing year after year in the herb patch. They are essential to any great potato salad to kick off the summer.
Fragrant leaves which add an exotic edge to curries, stews, and salads.
A great accompaniment to locally-caught fish, dill has a strong aroma and you don't need much to take a seafood dish to the next level.
This winter brassica leaf is similar to watercress, but more peppery in flavour. The leaves pack quite a punch, and are a welcome addition to salads or make a delicious green peppery soup.
Lemon Balm
Fresh lemon balm has a delightful citrus aroma and taste, which can lift a curry to the next level, or alternatively makes a great herbal tea.
Incredible perennial herb with a very strong celery flavour.
Our black peppermint has incredible flavour, ideal for garnishing potato salad or gently steamed peas (works well for adding an extra edge to cocktails too!).
Garden Mint
Garden mint is your classic chef's mint;
great with peas, potato salad, or mojitos!
A fragrant herb that works particularly well with meat dishes.
A must-have herb for excellent stuffing, sage is also well-paired with roasted veg; just chop finely and garnish on top.
A versatile herb that works well alongside sage and rosemary to lift a pasta sauce to the next level.